Sunday, May 17, 2009

Random thoughts from May 6

It’s raining, again. I’m so glad I made mowing a priority during the brief bit of sunshine today.

Why do I feel like I need to reward myself when the children are quiet in bed after a long day? It’s good we don’t keep strong drink in the house. I could use some strong chocolate, though.

How do I respond to a woman who replied with interest to my ad for seed potatoes on Craigslist, but who was basically forbidden by her police officer husband to drive in our neighborhood?

I really like my system to ensure that I never run out of clean underwear. Used to be, all of my underwear was white, and if I got behind on white laundry, I’d be stuck. Then I bought some dark colored underwear, so now I’m only stuck if I’m behind on both dark and light laundry.

Why am I tackling the project of repainting my parents’ old bedroom set?

I have a dentist’s appointment next week. Better start flossing. Does anyone else see anything wrong with that statement?

1 comment:

  1. I am just catching up, Kirsten. I have the same need to treat myself after everyone else is in bed. I get tired of sharing all day with everyone, and it is nice to just have my own indulgent time. That habit still continues, though I make them more healthy, or if it's chocolate, smaller.
