Tuesday, August 18, 2009


1/2 bushel of peaches: $30
3 hours canning peaches in hot kitchen (@ $15/hour): $45
The sound of pinging lids as 7 quarts of peaches cool: PRICELESS

OK, OK, I know that at more than $10 a quart (not including the inordinate amount of energy it takes to keep water hot for hours on end), these peaches aren't cheap. It would be more cost effective to buy them at the store, particularly at Sharp Shopper where I could probably get them for $.99 a can. But the satisfaction of "putting up" is huge. I'm keeping a list on my fridge of what I've preserved thus far: 13 pints of corn, 3 containers of shredded zucchini, 2 quarts of lima beans, 8 pints of salsa, 9 half-pints of raspberry jam, 3 bags of chopped peppers, and 2 pints of raspberry syrup . It's supposed to prevent us from forgetting the contents of our freezer and the recesses of our cupboards (such forgetfulness leading to the recent occasion of pulling out a frozen mass of cherries labeled "2001"). But honestly, the list is my statement to myself--I am productive! I am capable! I am not domestically challenged! My need for such affirmation still surprises me. I might as well make a sign that says "Please clap for me." Someday (maybe?) I will achieve that supreme balance of confidence and humility, but for now I swing all over the spectrum--anxious, proud, doubtful, cocky. Someday, too, I may return to my practice of posting Bible verses in relevant places, to help me set my mind on things above and take my eyes off my navel. For now, my preservation list will suffice as positive self-talk. I know I'm supposed to store up treasures in heaven, but the jewels in jars are pretty special, too.

1 comment:

  1. Katie said to check your blog out, as we were both canning. I bought a bushel of peaches,($32) thinking some friends would share them. Then I watched them rot as I had to work. So I spent Thursday canning them, 21 pints, and also made two batches of jelly. Yesterday, a friend came over and we did seven pints of green beans and another batch of jelly. I am deciding when to tackle tomatoes.
    Troy figures his time per hour in, like you do. I am afraid to do that over the last days. But as you say, there is something so very, very satisfying about that ping, ping! And glass canned beats aluminum or tin canned any day.
    Maybe it is the Proverbs 31 woman who provides well for her household?
    Like you, it really makes me feel good. In fact, I have a bit of a dilemma right now. I have black shelves in the walk-in fireplace. It is my pantry, which means I can get close and personal and sort out what I want. But wouldn't the canned goods look so wonderful there...not to mention how people would comment on my industry??? But if I put the canned goods there, and hide the pantry stuff, it will complicate my life and searching for the right food. Pride!
