Monday, July 14, 2014

It's been 6 weeks since we moved to Mechanicsburg.  So much work, so many transitions.  Just quickly, here are some things I'm grateful for.

1. Neighbors!  I've met three of them so far.
2.  Fireflies. The light show out here is amazing.
3. Kids playing outside.  Not as much as I would like, but some.  Watching Havah ride her tricycle around is especially satisfying.
4.  Birds.  Robins, bluebirds, mourning doves, sparrows, mockingbirds, bluejays, cardinals, goldfinches, and a bunch of others I haven't learned the names for yet.
5.  Electricity.  Already we've had two power outages, one lasting 4 hours and one lasting 18.  Some generous friend let us borrow their generator in case these events continue.
6.  Hospitality.  I really should start keeping a guest book.  I love that we've had so many people out to visit, love that our table can stay permanently extended
7. Sand.  A huge sandbox, and enough to share.
8. Berries.  Mulberries and black raspberries.  How wonderful to harvest what I have not planted!
9.  Plumbing.  Specifically, toilets that flush, showers that work, and a kitchen sink.
10. Soil.  I've been digging in it, knees to earth, planting, hoping that these little seeds do their thing. It is a beautiful world!

1 comment:

  1. Love it, Kirsten :) Glad there are so many things to be grateful for at your new place!
