Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Price of Parenthood

I started reading Parenting, Inc. yesterday (subtitled: How we are sold on $800 Strollers, Fetal Education, Baby Sign Language, Sleeping Coaches, Toddler Couture, and Diaper Wipe Warmers—and What It Means for Our Children, by Pamela Paul). It made me proud of the freecycled jogging stroller, circa 1989, that we use on long walks.

As a complete act of rebellion against the marketing machine, DJ and I invented a game that involved a roll of masking tape. That’s it. We played happily for at least 20 minutes, rolling it from one end of the hallway to the other, laughing raucously as it zinged, wobbled, plopped, and spun.

Alas, I crumbled. My knees got tired and I got bored, so I suggested we watch a Curious George video. Even cheap parents have to count the cost.

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me how the boys and I invented a game we called "chess bowling." We assigned points to various chess pieces, arranged them in varying patterns on the hard floor, and flicked a round plastic game piece from some other game at the pieces. Each player got three chances to knock down as many of the chess pieces as we could, and we kept track of our scores. Part of the challenge came in setting up the playing field for the other player-- making it as challenging as we could. Oh, and the egg carton/ping pong ball game... and so many other unmarketed ideas... Hmmmm. Good memories!
